pub trait GraphData: Lifetime + Sized {
    type Vertex: Clone + Lifetime;
    type Arc: Clone + Default + Lifetime;
    type Edge: Clone + Default + Lifetime;
    type Face: Clone + Default + Lifetime;
Expand description

Graph data.

Specifies the types used to represent data in vertices, arcs, edges, and faces in a MeshGraph. Arbitrary types can be used, including the unit type () for no data at all.

Geometric operations depend on understanding the positional data in vertices exposed by the AsPosition trait. If the Vertex type implements AsPosition, then geometric operations supported by the Position type are exposed by graph APIs.


use decorum::R64;
use nalgebra::{Point3, Vector4};
use num::Zero;
use plexus::geometry::{AsPosition, IntoGeometry};
use plexus::graph::{GraphData, MeshGraph};
use plexus::prelude::*;
use plexus::primitive::generate::Position;
use plexus::primitive::sphere::UvSphere;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct Vertex {
    pub position: Point3<R64>,
    pub color: Vector4<R64>,

impl GraphData for Vertex {
    type Vertex = Self;
    type Arc = ();
    type Edge = ();
    type Face = ();

impl AsPosition for Vertex {
    type Position = Point3<R64>;

    fn as_position(&self) -> &Self::Position {

// Create a mesh from a uv-sphere.
let mut graph: MeshGraph<Vertex> = UvSphere::new(8, 8)
    .map_vertices(|position| Vertex {
        color: Zero::zero(),

Required Associated Types

Implementations on Foreign Types
